
Showing posts from September, 2016

Scary Movies Fun

Last night and today have been all about the scare factor... Well sort of last night not so much we tried watching It Follows. But it was way to off color and the plot was the most boring thing I ever sat through in fact I didn't stay awake I was so bored. There will be a review of it on my YouTube channel on Friday. So then today my mom and I talked about horror movies when we took my dad to the hospital. He ended up getting 22 pounds of fluids from his stomach crazy huh? He is pretty sore and really tired but he is okay they took a chest X-ray and it came back perfectly fine there were no fluid in his lungs. We are headed up north tomorrow to get more tests run on him and to take my brother out to dinner I'm excited to talk to him. So tonight was the premiere of the 6th season of American Horror Story and oh my gosh it was so good it was all I wanted and more and I am dying only about an hour after I watched the first one to want to see the second episode. Hopefully i...

My Dad

I have a cold but that didn't stop me from spending a wonderful day with my mom. We talked all morning and then we went shopping. I have been having a lot of problems with my knees so when I go to Walmart I rid in those wheelchair carts and my mom took a cart. So we ran into some friends then began shopping and we went over to get my cold medicine and the friends we saw earlier were there and informed us that mom had forgot her cart. We got a great laugh from that one, luckily we only had one item in it if someone had taken it but no one did. I got some new pajama's and a notebook!!! I am so excited. So like I said in a status a bit ago I am going to talk about my dad and the hard journey we are going through with his cirrhosis of the liver. It all started in February 2015 I had just had a knee surgery and was in the recovery stage. Well my mom, dad and I all caught the flu a bunch of throwing up and diarrhea was pretty miserable but the next day my mom and I were better and...

September 11th

September is a really hard time for me September 10th is my Grandparents Leonard and Juanita Stillman's birthday and nine years ago today my Granny Juanita left this earthly life to join the love of her life and the angels. Today has been hard seeing my dad as sick as he has been today I almost had to call an ambulance because he wouldn't stop bleeding. I also feel the stress that our country feels due to the terrorist attacks 15 years ago. I feel it more now then when it actually happened, 15 years ago I was only 6 years old just barely in school. I knew my mom was upset but I couldn't comprehend why since back then I thought you only cared about the people you knew. I want to take a moment to just say how grateful for all the men and women who helped that horrid day thank you for all that you went through I can never express fully how I feel. The last reason today is really hard on me is it always brings back a lot of memories of when my mom almost died from going se...

A Couple Days Late

Sorry I have been MIA for the past couple of days I have been extremely busy the past few days. I went with my dad to the liver transplant clinic in Murry because my dad needs a liver transplant. It was nice to just talk to my mom while they were running tests on my dad. I also got to read some of my book, I'm reading The Chronicles OF Narnia series and I am enjoying it a lot. I was so tired after getting home from my dad's appointment that we left for at six in the morning and got home at four in the afternoon that I fell asleep. I even had to be woken up to take my meds haha. The next day I was really struggling with my stomach virus that I just read all day and completely forgot about the blog. Yesterday I babysat my honorary nephews Logan (3) and Landyn (1) and they are just by far the biggest blessing in my life them and their mom are just so special to me I can't imagine life without them. I got a ride up by my aunt Cindy and I loved talking to her all day while w...

Special Visitor

Well the all nighter didn't work but I've got some work done today. I also decided I needed to read the whole Chronicles of Narnia. I'm getting my hair cut right can't wait to see how it turns out. I will post pictures I know my mom will do a good job. I had a very surprising guest come today.  My friend Eli who lives in Salt Lake so it was nice to see him. He didn't stay long but I appreciated him coming over. The fall fever has hit me I cannot wait for pumpkins, cold winds, times to curl up in a blanket with a good book and long sleeves. I love fall so much it is my favorite also it is the perfect time for Halloween movies. So I thought I would list for you my top 10 non-horror favorite Halloween movies. 1: The Halloween Tree. This is a movie that I have been watching my whole life it's about a group of friends heading out to trick or treat. They go to get their friend Pippen to see him get picked up by an ambulance. Then they follow what they think is him ...

Restful Sunday

I wasn't able to make it to church today because my knee was even more swollen this morning. I did have a nice day though just watching my favorite shows Reba. Then a beautiful girl from my ward Melissa came to see me and her my mom and I talked for a good hour or so about everything books, movies, love and of course our church. So I figured I would just tell you my testimony about what I believe. I am a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Saints. Mormons as we are more regularly called and I know that we have a reputation that isn't always great. I am however completely blessed to be LDS and I am not ashamed of it at all. We believe in God, Jesus Christ and The holy ghost Or The Godhead. We also believe that Joseph Smith was a true prophet. I have strayed away from my beliefs before but I do believe in the doctrine we are taught and I am working my way back to going through the temple. Well I don't talk much about my religion because it is way personal but don...

Movie Day

I slept in really late today until about noon and, I am still extremely tired I wonder why but not important. The whole day we have just watched movies. Overboard staring Kurt Russell, Liar Liar staring Jim Carry and Space Jam staring Micheal Jordan. Soon I am going to watch Crazy Ex Girlfriend with my mom and have some jello cake yummy! Thank you so much to everyone who has watched my youtube video's and liked my pags e it really means a lot to me that they are doing so well! My Bella is helping me write again she is such a funny dog, I don't know where I would be and what I would do without my dogs. They can drive you crazy but they are so sweet. Book update I am almost finished I just couldn't pull the all nighters that I tried I was just to tired. But I am doing my research by reading some fantasy romance books and I'm going to work in my notebook. So again sorry for the short blog they will get more interesting. Thank you all again so much I love you all have a w...

Mommy, Daughter day

Today has been great. I didn't finish my book but I have been out with my mom today. We went out to get medication and I got notebooks for 50 cents so I was able to get four. Ahh!! I love notebooks. We went and got milkshakes later and had a great talk while in the car. I have been reading a lot of romance novels to help me with my books....well that's not the only reason hahaha. I am now going to read a book called School Spirit by Michael O, Tunnel to my mom tonight this is the ghost story from my childhood and she has never heard it before because it was read to me at school. So even though it has been a busy day this blog will be a bit shorter. I just want to say my mom is the best person in the whole wide world. That is all haha, Until tomorrow have a fantastic night I love you all.

Much Better and My Brother

I still have a stomach infection YUCK!! but today has been a much better day then yesterday so let me tell you what's new. I filmed my youtube video that I will be posting tomorrow. Then my mom and I traveled up north to visit my brother Jaireth who started collage a few weeks ago. He has a grant but for some reason it hasn't come through yet and he ran out of food, and he lives with my cousin and he tried to make chicken but didn't have the right stuff so we brought cooking stuff up to him too. I have to say it feels weird having Jaireth gone so it was nice to see him. My brother struggles with some of the stuff I suffer with emotionally so it was nice to see that even though he is stressed about money that he was happy. Also it was nice to see my cousin. I'm going to pull an all night work session and hopefully get the first edit finished EEKKK!!!! So for this blog I'm just going to tell you a little bit about my brother and I. My brother is three and a half...