September 11th

September is a really hard time for me September 10th is my Grandparents Leonard and Juanita Stillman's birthday and nine years ago today my Granny Juanita left this earthly life to join the love of her life and the angels.
Today has been hard seeing my dad as sick as he has been today I almost had to call an ambulance because he wouldn't stop bleeding.
I also feel the stress that our country feels due to the terrorist attacks 15 years ago. I feel it more now then when it actually happened, 15 years ago I was only 6 years old just barely in school. I knew my mom was upset but I couldn't comprehend why since back then I thought you only cared about the people you knew. I want to take a moment to just say how grateful for all the men and women who helped that horrid day thank you for all that you went through I can never express fully how I feel.
The last reason today is really hard on me is it always brings back a lot of memories of when my mom almost died from going septic it's something I try to block but it always seems to wiggles it way in. I don't know where I would be without my mother I just can't.
So that's all that's new today I hope you all have a good evening and you can remember the amazing men and women who serve our country. I love you all so much!!!


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