Sicker Then A Dog And Other Adventures

Well in my last blog I spoke way too soon those antibiotics made me so so sick but not in the way I thought. I had horrible anxiety like I was literally terrified all the time, even now I'm dealing with the after math of the horrid anxiety. So I had a few moments in between being sick that weren't so bad. I went up north to Salt lake with my parents and aunt for my dad's doctors appointment. I was so tired that day slept the whole way up there. On the way back we saw my brother and went shopping, that store was a lot bigger then I remember and I can tell I have been out of shape I thought I was going to die walking through it. But I managed my first time without the handicapped cart and surprisingly my knee didn't pop out whew. Then I went to a meeting with my friend to learn about Essential Oils and I have to say I was quite skeptical until she brought samples to me about a month ago and the anxiety stuff really helps. The meeting made me fall even more in love with...