New Events

Finally a new computer that won't delete my work. So a lot has happened and yet not that much if that makes sense at all. My dad got an infection and is currently on a pick line with antibiotics. It is actually the exact opposite of an infection he has not enough white blood cells so they are trying to get his count up. After weeks of not eating and him starting to lose weight he ate a whole meal yesterday so we are so excited. We have to move we don't know where or when yet but we are getting evicted so that's a bit stressful but because my dad is so sick the only way they are aloud to evict us is if they hire movers with their own money for us so yay!!!! I finally got that sleep over with my dear friend Amberle and after everything it is a much needed break. We talked watched a few movies and just had one on one time it was great. I know my writing hasn't progressed much but I am going to the doctor on Tuesday and hopefully find out why I have been so ill. I will make sure to keep you all updated and starting tomorrow I will be doing top ten lists to fill in the gaps where not much is happening.
Thank you all so much for the love and support you all mean the world to me love you all!!!!!


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